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Elizabeth G. Nesbitt

Elizabeth G. Nesbitt is a director in the USC Office of Gift Planning. She joined USC in 2014 as the director of advancement for the USC Viterbi School of Engineering. She works with donors with interests across the university on ways to give smarter, and with internal partners to secure resources to realize USC's mission.

Elizabeth has enjoyed working with a range of nonprofit organizations and institutions over the past 30 years. Prior to her work at USC, she was senior vice president at Netzel Grigsby Associates Inc., where she provided counsel to nonprofits on fundraising campaigns, feasibility studies and strategic planning.

She began her career with a focus on the arts. Her first position was with the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, and later with the College Art Association, the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Decorative Arts Study Center.

Elizabeth holds a BA from Duke University and an MA from the USC Roski School of Art and Design (1994). She is credentialed as a Certified Specialist in Gift Planning through the American Institute of Philanthropic Studies and as a Certified Fund Raising Executive through CFRE International. She is part of a proud Trojan family; her husband and daughter are USC alums and her son is currently studying astronautical engineering at USC.


Elizabeth G. Nesbitt MA '94
Director of Gift Planning
Direct: (213) 740-4032